Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beef Stoganoff

Today my partner, Jazmin, was away sick so I worked with Mady and we made beef stroganoff. She is gluten free so she could only have the beef without the pasta. For this recipe we had to boil water on the stove to cook the pasta, while Mady did this I used the electric frying pan to melt butter and fry onion until soft. Then I added the beef strips and cooked them until they were brown. Then I added the stock cube, tomato paste, mushrooms, water, and salt and pepper. Then I cooked it for 10 mins stirring occasionally. Then I added the sour cream but made sure it didn't boil. Then we divided the sauce between us and gave me all the pasta because Mady is gluten free. This meal focused on our knife skills because there was a lot of chopping involved and this recipe has the same principal as a stir-fry. THis recipe provides a healthy balance with carbohydrates from the pasta for long lasting energy and protein in the sauce. 

Beef Stroganoff 

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