Thursday, May 30, 2013

Question D

  1. With a partner: The café in which you work is having a high tea fund raising event. Your job is to create a high tea platter for people with special food needs. From your research and the recipes you have selected, choose items which fill the needs of the 2 groups researched and prepare and present the items in the lessons designated for practical assessment. In order to do this you will need to research the term “high tea”. You should aim to produce 3 items for the platter.

“high tea” 

A high tea is an English meal that became populour in the 1600’s especially by famers and laborers. A high tea is consisted of a few cakes and tea. For the labouring class high tea was usually apart of the evening meal, taken after sunset. The modern version of high tea is now more closely related to afternoon tea. Light sandwiches, scones and cream, cakes, pastries, or a number of other desserts make up the variety of choices available at a high tea.

3 Items For the platter:

Rice Pudding 

Banana Cake

Apple & Custard tarts 

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