Thursday, May 16, 2013

Assignment 3

Today I found out that because Jazmin has missed so much school, she only has to focus on Math and English this term, which means that she is no longer my partner and I am working with Sophie and Georgia again. I am not sure yet if Jazmin will be at school when I have the practical lesson, but if she is then she said she can help me cook. In this lesson I sat with Georgia and Sophie and I told them that we had to work on our lesson flow plan for our recipes, and we decided that I would do the rice pudding flow plan and they would do the Apple Custard Tart flow plan and then we would do the Banana recipe flow plan together, when I finished the rice pudding flow plan I found that they hadn't even started. I have worked in a team before where I do all the work and i decided not to let that happened  again so I went and asked Mrs George if I could work on my own because i would rather do all the work I had to do on my own than end up doing my work and their work. Mrs George said I could but then decided later that this assignment is meant to be done as a group which mean that I would have to work with Georgia and Sophie. I hope that they start putting some effort into the assignment because if they don't they are not only disadvantaging me but themselves. 

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