Thursday, May 30, 2013

Question B

  1. Explain the difference between a special food need that an individual may be born with and a special food need that may develop as a result of illness or the environment in which a person lives. Give examples to illustrate your ideas. You will need to explain why special foods are needed.
The difference is that a special food need that an individual is born with is something that the person has had to live with since birth and will most likely affect their entire lives. A special food need that may develop as a result of illness or the environment in which a person lives is something that the person has been affected with and is most likely a temporary thing. An example of a special food need that an individual is born with is lactose intolerant, which means that you should try to avoid dairy products. A person that is lactose intolerant is not something they choose to live with, it is apart of their genetics and because they need to avoid dairy products, they need to find an alternative way to receive an adequate amount of calcium in their diet. An example of a special food need that may develop as a result of illness or the environment in which a person lives is the decision to become vegetarian. If you grow up with a family that has a vegetarian diet then a person may be influenced to grow up with the same diet. In that case they would need to take notice of their iron intake as they would need to take iron supplements to make up for what they are missing in their diet. 

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