Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Diseases of Affluence - Task Requirements

Today was a theory lesson and we received our assignment for term 1. The topic of the subject is catering for customers with special needs in the hospitality industry. We work in pairs but each person in that pair has their own special need to research. I was given an old women with osteoporosis and Jazmin was given a vegan. From this I instantly think I need to research recipes high in calcium and without any animal products. For this investigation I need to investigate lifestyle habits an diseases. For the assessment i need to complete questions a-c individually and questions d-e with my partner and f individually. We need to design a high tea platter that caters for people with special needs. 

I came across this website that I will take notes on when I research what food products are high in calcium and do not contain animal bi-products:

Due Dates:

Week 3B 3/05: Food orders are due 
Week 5B 14/05 - 21/05: Prac Assessment 
Week 6A 24/05: Evaluation and Research Due 

High Calcium Products

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