Thursday, May 16, 2013

Task Sheet

Assignment Questions:

  1. Investigate lifestyle habits and diseases by:
    1. Identifying circumstances which may lead to special food needs.
    2. Selecting and justifying food choices for a variety of special needs.
    3. Designing menu items suitable for people with special food needs or habits.
    4. Producing menu items for selected needs.

Circumstances that may lead to special food needs include diseases that you may have brought on yourself, certain food needs may be hereditary, or food needs that are unique to you. If your intake of sugar is too high then you may end up with diabetes, there for you bring that on yourself. If you decide that you want to be a vegetarian then you have to stick to a diet without meat and that decision becomes your lifestyle choice. In other cases you may inherit a genetic disease such as an iron deficiency, therefor you would need to increase your intake of food that are high in iron. You could also suffer from a gluten intolerance which may not be hereditary but unique to you. 

If a person is dangerously overweight then you would need to design a meal plan that is low in carbohydrates and food that is low in fat. Basic meals would be ideal for a person that is suffering with weight issues as natural, low sugar, unprocessed ingredients are the best. A few examples of meal that would be perfect for this person would be; for breakfast, a white egg omelette with mushrooms, spinach, tomato, ricotta cheese, avocado, shallots, rocket and pepper. For a light lunch a salad would be ideal with pumpkin and chickpeas and a simple meal like lean steak and steamed vegetables would be ideal for dinner as this meal provides protein and vital nutrients and vitamins. 

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