Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chocolate Mouse

Today our class made chocolate mouse. Jazmin and I usually work at the front bench but because someone was away we got to work at one of the bays at the back of the classroom. This recipe was fun to follow because there were many different aspects of it. First I melted the dark chocolate over water that had been simmering. I learnt that it is important to turn the gas off before meting the chocolate because otherwise the steam from the water can get to the chocolate and chocolate doesn't react well to moisture. I also used a metal spoon to mix it instead of a wooden spoon because wooden spoons can carry moisture. While I melted the chocolate Jazmin separated the eggs. It was important to separate them into different bowels otherwise if a mistake was made you have have to start again and use another 3 eggs. Then Jazmin combined the egg yolks and the chocolate together which mad the chocolate smooth and shiny. While she did that I used an electric beater to beat the cream until the beater made imprints in the cream. If I continued to beat the cream it would eventually turn in to butter! Then using a metal spoon Jazmin folded the cream into the chocolate and egg yolk mixture. I then used the electric beater again to beat the egg whites until soft peaks formed. I made sure that the electric beater was clean and dry before using it, otherwise I may have ruined the egg whites. After I was finished with the electric beater, I gently added  a small amount of the egg whites to the mixture, so it could adjust, I then added the remaining egg whites and gently combine, be ing careful to not squash the air out. We then divided the mixture into 4 glasses and placed it in the fridge to set. I enjoyed this recipe because Jazmin and I were constantly busy preparing different parts to the recipe. It also tasted great, even though its not the most nutritious desert out there. 

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