Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Theory Lesson - Australian Diets

Today, in class we watched a TV series on Australian Diets and how healthy they are. I learnt that studies have shown that Australians are rethinking what they they are eating. They are cutting down on sugars and fat and increasing intake of pasta, cereals and dairy. 

I learnt that fat gives 3 x more energy than carbohydrates. Eating too much fat effects the heart. With warnings a lot of Australians are eating less saturated fats. 

Many Australians are eating more salt that needed to and a high salt intake increases blood pressure. 

Alcohol is high in fat and if you don't burn the fat off you gain weight. 

Fibre is found in fruit and vegetables and eating fibre will reduce cholesterol problems. When you remove the fibre of the food you remove the bulk. Example: When you juice oranges you take away of the fibre; the bulk, and your left with the juice that is high in natural sugars.

Australians are eating to much:

  • salt
  • alcohol
  • fat
  • eating far more than we need to causing diabetes
If our diets included more fibre we would reduce the risk of breast cancer and other diseases. 

This video taught me a lot about Australian diets and and how to improve them and what is wrong with them. 

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