Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Today we made Vegetarian Sausage rolls. I wasn't sure what they would taste or look like because the recipe didn't contian any product of meat. When I read over the recipe and saw the ingredients, I didn't think that it would taste to great but I was shocked how similar the taste was to sausage rolls with meat. During the rest if the day at school I handed my leftovers and not once did someone question that it could be made with any thing other than meat. There was a vegetarian in my form class and when I told she could join her friends in eating one she reminded me that she was vegetarian and I told her that there was no meat in them and all her friends including her were shocked. I had never thought to make a sausage roll before but I expected it to be complicate, but this recipe was rather straight forward. First, Jazmin and I processed the bread crumbs until they were tiny crumbs, then we blended the onion walnuts, eggs, cheese, soy sauce and milk in a blender until they combined. Then we placed the blended ingredients in bowel and combined the bread crumbs and rolled oats until they mixed together. We were given 3 sheets of puff pastry. We cut it in half long ways and Jazmin and I took a half each and used a spoon to divide the mixture into 6 sections, we then took one section each and spread it along the pastry. Then we rolled it to enclose the mixture. Then we cut it in half and then half again. Once we used up all the mixture I used a bush to coat the rolls with an egg yolk mixture, this was to make them go golden brown. I didn't quite know what to expect with this recipe, but the taste of the vegetarian sausage rolls did exceed my expectations. This recipe would be great for anyone that is a vegetarian or is trying to cut down their meat intake or are looking for an alternative protein dish.  It also makes a tasty snack. 

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

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