Sunday, March 3, 2013

Let's Remember Questions

1. List the different types of vegetarians and explain what food they can eat:
  • Semi Vegetarian - Someone who’s cutting back their intake of meat,
  • Lacto Ovo Vegetarian - diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry but includes dairy products and eggs
  • Lacto Vegetarian -  diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs
  • Vegen - avoids eating or using all animal products

2. Provide reasons why people decide to become vegetarian:

People become vegetarian because it provides health benefits, such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases including:

  • Obesity 
  • Coronary Artery Diseases 
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes
  • Some types of Cancer

3. Identify the trends associated with vegetarianism n Australia today:

  • About 20% of the Australian population consume a mainly vegetarian diet 
  • It is estimated today that at least 45% have at least one vegetarian diet per week 
  • 20% reduce their meat intake but still eat chicken and fish 

4. Outline the the dietary-related diseases that are less prevalent for vegetarians 

The dietary diseases that are less prevalent for vegetarians include:
  • Coronary heart  diseases 
  • high blood pressure 
  • diabetes
  • obesity 
  • some cancers 

5. What reasons are given for a vegetarian being considered to be healthier than a non-vegetarian?

A vegetarian is considered to be healthier because their diet consists of a lot of fruit and vegetables, which contribute bulk, and generally has lower saturated fats. 

6. How can vegetarians ensure they consume all of the essential amino acids:

Consuming various sources if amino acids throughout the day should provide the complete compliment of protein. 

7. Why is it difficult for a vegetarian to obtain an adequate supply of iron:

Vegetarian diets are generally high in iron form plant foods, however this iron is not absorbed as well as the iron in meat 

8. How can vegetarians improve the absorption of iron in their diet?
They can improve the absorption of iron in their diets by eating green leafy vegetables, peas and whole-grains, enriched cereals and legumes. Combining these foods that are high in vitamin C and food acids, such as fruit and vegetables, will help your body absorb the iron. 

9. List the types of food in which a vegan can obtain calcium:

  • dairy products 
  • fortified cereals
  • fruit juives 
  • fortified soy milk 
  • tahini
  • some brands of tofu
  • leafy dark green vegetables 
  • legumes
  • almonds
  • Brazil nut 

10. What vitamins are missing form a vega's diet and how can they be consumed to ensure an adequate intake?
  • Vitamin B12 - take B12 supplements 
  • Vitamin D - consume fortified soymilk and cereals 

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