Monday, March 11, 2013

Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding

Today our class made chocolate pudding and sticky dat pudding. We had to pare up with another group so one pair could make the stick date pudding and the other could make the chocolate pudding. Jazmin and I chose to make the chocolate pudding and Georgia and Sophie chose to make the sticky date pudding. It was quite a basic recipe as all it involved was combining dry ingredients, combining wet ingredients and then slowly add the dry mix ti the wet mix and whisking until smooth. The we divided the mixture evenly between the four trays. The last step, before placing the trays in the oven was to make the sauce. All we had to do was combine sugar, cocoa powder and boiling water and mix, The we again divided the sauce amongst the four trays. Once the puddings had been baking for 35mins we had to check if it was ready by pressing down gently in the centre and if it was ready it would bounce back. Once it was finished we were given cream to eat with it and I found the sauce had ended up underneath the pudding and when you went to take a bite the sauce would ooze over your spoon. Although this recipe is a high sugar dish, it tasted great and would be a nice desert in winter. 
Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding 

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