Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Diseases of Affluence - Task Requirements

Today was a theory lesson and we received our assignment for term 1. The topic of the subject is catering for customers with special needs in the hospitality industry. We work in pairs but each person in that pair has their own special need to research. I was given an old women with osteoporosis and Jazmin was given a vegan. From this I instantly think I need to research recipes high in calcium and without any animal products. For this investigation I need to investigate lifestyle habits an diseases. For the assessment i need to complete questions a-c individually and questions d-e with my partner and f individually. We need to design a high tea platter that caters for people with special needs. 

I came across this website that I will take notes on when I research what food products are high in calcium and do not contain animal bi-products:

Due Dates:

Week 3B 3/05: Food orders are due 
Week 5B 14/05 - 21/05: Prac Assessment 
Week 6A 24/05: Evaluation and Research Due 

High Calcium Products

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chilli Con Carne

Today we made Chilli Con Carne, it is very similar to nachos. The ingredients used were: minced steak, corn chips, brown onion, garlic, chopped tomatoes, mexican chilli beans, chopped chilli,  grated cheese, sugar, oil and salt and pepper to taste. This recipe was one of the multicultural recipes that was included in our recipe booklet. First we fried the onion, garlic and chilli until soft, then we added the mince until it went brown, then we added the tomatoes, chilli beans, and sugar plus salt and pepper and we cooked it until the mixture thickened, which took about 15-20 minutes. Then we took the frying pan of the heat and stirred grated cheese through the mixture. We then divided the mixture between two oven proof dishes and added corn chips and grated cheese on top. Finally, we placed the two dishes in the oven which was pre-heated to 180 degrees Celsius. It was in there until the cheese had melted and the corn chips were crispy. We finished early and we went to the back of the classroom and tried it. It tasted amazing! in the next lesson i handed my leftovers around the classroom and all comments were positive. I liked making this dish because it was from a different culture and in the future I can make it as a great snack and this recipe allows you to make different variations of it. 
Chilli Con Carne

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding

Today our class made chocolate pudding and sticky dat pudding. We had to pare up with another group so one pair could make the stick date pudding and the other could make the chocolate pudding. Jazmin and I chose to make the chocolate pudding and Georgia and Sophie chose to make the sticky date pudding. It was quite a basic recipe as all it involved was combining dry ingredients, combining wet ingredients and then slowly add the dry mix ti the wet mix and whisking until smooth. The we divided the mixture evenly between the four trays. The last step, before placing the trays in the oven was to make the sauce. All we had to do was combine sugar, cocoa powder and boiling water and mix, The we again divided the sauce amongst the four trays. Once the puddings had been baking for 35mins we had to check if it was ready by pressing down gently in the centre and if it was ready it would bounce back. Once it was finished we were given cream to eat with it and I found the sauce had ended up underneath the pudding and when you went to take a bite the sauce would ooze over your spoon. Although this recipe is a high sugar dish, it tasted great and would be a nice desert in winter. 
Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Zucchini Slice

Today we made Zucchini Slice, this is another example of a high protein. It is basically a quiche without the pastry. This recipe for very simple, quick and easy. It is a great dish for a healthy afternoon snack. All we needed to do was to beat the eggs, then add flour and beat until smooth, then add bacon, onion, zucchini, cheese and oil and stir to combine. Then we placed it in the oven for 30 minutes and to check if it was read we pressed down lightly on top and if it bounced back and was form the it was ready. This is a nice compromise to a pastry dish and if you are vegetarian it would be easy to substitute the bacon for another vegetable. 

Zucchini Slice

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Today we made Vegetarian Sausage rolls. I wasn't sure what they would taste or look like because the recipe didn't contian any product of meat. When I read over the recipe and saw the ingredients, I didn't think that it would taste to great but I was shocked how similar the taste was to sausage rolls with meat. During the rest if the day at school I handed my leftovers and not once did someone question that it could be made with any thing other than meat. There was a vegetarian in my form class and when I told she could join her friends in eating one she reminded me that she was vegetarian and I told her that there was no meat in them and all her friends including her were shocked. I had never thought to make a sausage roll before but I expected it to be complicate, but this recipe was rather straight forward. First, Jazmin and I processed the bread crumbs until they were tiny crumbs, then we blended the onion walnuts, eggs, cheese, soy sauce and milk in a blender until they combined. Then we placed the blended ingredients in bowel and combined the bread crumbs and rolled oats until they mixed together. We were given 3 sheets of puff pastry. We cut it in half long ways and Jazmin and I took a half each and used a spoon to divide the mixture into 6 sections, we then took one section each and spread it along the pastry. Then we rolled it to enclose the mixture. Then we cut it in half and then half again. Once we used up all the mixture I used a bush to coat the rolls with an egg yolk mixture, this was to make them go golden brown. I didn't quite know what to expect with this recipe, but the taste of the vegetarian sausage rolls did exceed my expectations. This recipe would be great for anyone that is a vegetarian or is trying to cut down their meat intake or are looking for an alternative protein dish.  It also makes a tasty snack. 

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Theory Lesson - Australian Diets

Today, in class we watched a TV series on Australian Diets and how healthy they are. I learnt that studies have shown that Australians are rethinking what they they are eating. They are cutting down on sugars and fat and increasing intake of pasta, cereals and dairy. 

I learnt that fat gives 3 x more energy than carbohydrates. Eating too much fat effects the heart. With warnings a lot of Australians are eating less saturated fats. 

Many Australians are eating more salt that needed to and a high salt intake increases blood pressure. 

Alcohol is high in fat and if you don't burn the fat off you gain weight. 

Fibre is found in fruit and vegetables and eating fibre will reduce cholesterol problems. When you remove the fibre of the food you remove the bulk. Example: When you juice oranges you take away of the fibre; the bulk, and your left with the juice that is high in natural sugars.

Australians are eating to much:

  • salt
  • alcohol
  • fat
  • eating far more than we need to causing diabetes
If our diets included more fibre we would reduce the risk of breast cancer and other diseases. 

This video taught me a lot about Australian diets and and how to improve them and what is wrong with them. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Let's Remember Questions

1. List the different types of vegetarians and explain what food they can eat:
  • Semi Vegetarian - Someone who’s cutting back their intake of meat,
  • Lacto Ovo Vegetarian - diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry but includes dairy products and eggs
  • Lacto Vegetarian -  diet excludes meat, fish, and poultry, as well as eggs
  • Vegen - avoids eating or using all animal products

2. Provide reasons why people decide to become vegetarian:

People become vegetarian because it provides health benefits, such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases including:

  • Obesity 
  • Coronary Artery Diseases 
  • Hypertension 
  • Diabetes
  • Some types of Cancer

3. Identify the trends associated with vegetarianism n Australia today:

  • About 20% of the Australian population consume a mainly vegetarian diet 
  • It is estimated today that at least 45% have at least one vegetarian diet per week 
  • 20% reduce their meat intake but still eat chicken and fish 

4. Outline the the dietary-related diseases that are less prevalent for vegetarians 

The dietary diseases that are less prevalent for vegetarians include:
  • Coronary heart  diseases 
  • high blood pressure 
  • diabetes
  • obesity 
  • some cancers 

5. What reasons are given for a vegetarian being considered to be healthier than a non-vegetarian?

A vegetarian is considered to be healthier because their diet consists of a lot of fruit and vegetables, which contribute bulk, and generally has lower saturated fats. 

6. How can vegetarians ensure they consume all of the essential amino acids:

Consuming various sources if amino acids throughout the day should provide the complete compliment of protein. 

7. Why is it difficult for a vegetarian to obtain an adequate supply of iron:

Vegetarian diets are generally high in iron form plant foods, however this iron is not absorbed as well as the iron in meat 

8. How can vegetarians improve the absorption of iron in their diet?
They can improve the absorption of iron in their diets by eating green leafy vegetables, peas and whole-grains, enriched cereals and legumes. Combining these foods that are high in vitamin C and food acids, such as fruit and vegetables, will help your body absorb the iron. 

9. List the types of food in which a vegan can obtain calcium:

  • dairy products 
  • fortified cereals
  • fruit juives 
  • fortified soy milk 
  • tahini
  • some brands of tofu
  • leafy dark green vegetables 
  • legumes
  • almonds
  • Brazil nut 

10. What vitamins are missing form a vega's diet and how can they be consumed to ensure an adequate intake?
  • Vitamin B12 - take B12 supplements 
  • Vitamin D - consume fortified soymilk and cereals 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chocolate Mouse

Today our class made chocolate mouse. Jazmin and I usually work at the front bench but because someone was away we got to work at one of the bays at the back of the classroom. This recipe was fun to follow because there were many different aspects of it. First I melted the dark chocolate over water that had been simmering. I learnt that it is important to turn the gas off before meting the chocolate because otherwise the steam from the water can get to the chocolate and chocolate doesn't react well to moisture. I also used a metal spoon to mix it instead of a wooden spoon because wooden spoons can carry moisture. While I melted the chocolate Jazmin separated the eggs. It was important to separate them into different bowels otherwise if a mistake was made you have have to start again and use another 3 eggs. Then Jazmin combined the egg yolks and the chocolate together which mad the chocolate smooth and shiny. While she did that I used an electric beater to beat the cream until the beater made imprints in the cream. If I continued to beat the cream it would eventually turn in to butter! Then using a metal spoon Jazmin folded the cream into the chocolate and egg yolk mixture. I then used the electric beater again to beat the egg whites until soft peaks formed. I made sure that the electric beater was clean and dry before using it, otherwise I may have ruined the egg whites. After I was finished with the electric beater, I gently added  a small amount of the egg whites to the mixture, so it could adjust, I then added the remaining egg whites and gently combine, be ing careful to not squash the air out. We then divided the mixture into 4 glasses and placed it in the fridge to set. I enjoyed this recipe because Jazmin and I were constantly busy preparing different parts to the recipe. It also tasted great, even though its not the most nutritious desert out there.