Saturday, August 27, 2011

Comparison of Two Desserts

Today in the kitchen we made two different desserts. We first made chocolate chip cookies as the unhealthier option and then we made raspberry and pineapple parfaits as the healthier option. The cookies were full of carbohydrates, sugars and fats and the parfaits were made of fruits and non fat yogurt. Although cookies are a nice treat to have every once and a while, the parfaits were the healthier option and tasted just as good as the cookies. The cookies were quite rich so they gave me a sickening feeling after I consumed a few but the parfaits were a lighter option that left me with a refreshing feeling. After experiencing both desserts I think it is better to go with the healthier option more often as it has a nicer affect. I enjoyed this lesson as it gave us a chance to compare both desserts and we discovered that the healthier option is yummy too.

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