Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fried Rice

Unfortunately I missed the lesson that we cooked fried rice, but I heard that it was a delicious meal. I have the recipe so I will look forward to cooking it at home.

Theory Lesson

Today we weren't working in the kitchen cooking but we were working in the classroom. This lesson we discussed were handed our assignments and we discussed what would be required of us. I am excited to get started with it as it sounds like an enjoyable assignment compared to a SOSE assignment.

Comparison of Two Desserts

Today in the kitchen we made two different desserts. We first made chocolate chip cookies as the unhealthier option and then we made raspberry and pineapple parfaits as the healthier option. The cookies were full of carbohydrates, sugars and fats and the parfaits were made of fruits and non fat yogurt. Although cookies are a nice treat to have every once and a while, the parfaits were the healthier option and tasted just as good as the cookies. The cookies were quite rich so they gave me a sickening feeling after I consumed a few but the parfaits were a lighter option that left me with a refreshing feeling. After experiencing both desserts I think it is better to go with the healthier option more often as it has a nicer affect. I enjoyed this lesson as it gave us a chance to compare both desserts and we discovered that the healthier option is yummy too.

Lettuce Wraps

Today we made ice berg lettuce wraps. This was a fun and easy snack to cook. The fresh and crunchy lettuce was a nice contrast to the turkey. The lettuce and the vegetables mixed in with the turkey was a good source of fibre, the turkey provided us with a source of protein, and the sesame oil provided us with a source of fat. I prefer this snack over the potato jacks because it leaves me with a fresh sensation. This is a healthy balanced snack that I will enjoy making in the future.

Potato Jacks

Today was our first lesson in the kitchen and we cooked potato's with sour cream, cheese and coleslaw. I was partners with Sabrene and we both learnt how to chop more efficiently and how to choose which knife would be most efficient. We finished quickly and had plenty of time to taste our dish. I was surprised at how good it tasted. We all agreed that if we saw the dish we probably wouldn't of tried it, but making it ourselves showed us what the ingredients were and how it was made. The dish was a balanced meal because as it contained carbohydrates from the potato and sour cream, and fibre from the vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately there was no source of protein, but this dish is a healthy, balanced and tasty.

First Lesson

Today was our first hospitality lesson. Ms king was away so we had Ms baker as a substitute teacher. We were in the computer rooms this lesson being informed on what we would be doing this semester and we leaned about the five food groups. This lesson was exciting for me because I thoroughly enjoyed hospitality last year and I have chosen it as one of my subjects for next year. I love learning about healthy eating and balanced diets. I also find cooking interesting because you find out how meals that you are served in a restaurant are prepared and the ingredients required to make it. When you cook for yourself you know the ingredients and the method of the meal and you know what you are eating. I can not wait till are next hospitality lesson.