Sunday, November 6, 2011

Evaluation of Emma's meal

Emma made me Lemon Tuna pasta. I think she executed the task very well as she managed the time effectively and I had my meal when Ms King said that partner 2 should have their meal. Emma was very organised and I could tell that she had practiced at home as she knew exactly what to do. She was also aware of hygiene as she washed her hands whenever she went from vegetables to meat, and she regularly changed knives and cutting boards when necessary. I was satisfied with the final product although next time I would recommend to add a sauce as it was quite bland. A problem that Emma encounted was the quantity of the meal as it served four but Emma solved this problem by working out the necessary amount for each ingredient. I've learned that Emma works well under pressure as she remained come the entire time even if she encountered a problem. She also was very organized and prepared for what she had to accomplish in the hour. Next time she cooks a meal I advise her that she should check how many the meal serves so she can ujust it appropriately.

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