Friday, September 9, 2011

Chicken Pasta

Today we made chicken pasta with fresh tomato, basil, chicken, pasta and cream. as soon as we started cooking we learnt that you need to boil the water before adding the pasta, otherwise it takes longer to cook. Next we cut the tomatoes in half but we learnt that it would have been better not to cut the tomatoes because it would keep the flavour in. Then we took the basil leaves of the stem and started the sauce. In a separate pan we cooked the chicken and then we added the rest of the ingredients. Once the pasta was cooked we drained it and added the sauce to the pasta and placed the basil leaves on top of the dish. This dish was very tasty and I look forward to cooking it at home. This pasta dish supplied four of the five food groups. It contained tomatoes for the fruits, basil for the vegetables, pasta for the carbohydrates and chicken for the source of protein. I enjoyed making and eating this dish but unfortunately I wasn't able to eat much of it because I had a tennis competition straight after hospitality.